DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Vamacheron won't spawn

ShadowOfStrelok opened this issue · 50 comments


More items dont have textures, spawning vamasheron crashing client. I'll used forge 1180 and mcp 908.
Vamasheron still crashing:


I have a fix of this bug. Where i test this fix, i can pull this fix.


And my friend and I fixed another bug (sounds are not prescribed in .json file and did not work), but some clowns who are in the team, correct and prevent deliberate and behave like schoolboys with spermotoksikose.


We're fixing these bugs, stop reporting so many. You're killing all of the dev's phones.


RadioactiveStud tell me, give report where i recompile this.




I have a fucking problems with github - i cant push changes. RadioactiveStud, can you give me your skype, i can give you all the fixes in archive ant tell you, what i know to fix trade gui bug?


I'm trying to finish the update in a fork. Send me the files on pastebin and I can add them.


Its so much files changed. Maybe i upload this on Google disk, and you will download it?


Yeah sure

On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Strelok [email protected] wrote:

Its so much files changed. Maybe i upload this on Google disk, and you
will download it?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#13 (comment).


Btw, I'm writing a PR that fixes a TON of bugs, including some of the mobs being broken and arcana stuff not appearing in the lang file. Would it be ok if I added back the bricks, lamps, and other decorative blocks from the 1.4.7 release? They were a big part of what made the mod fun.


i have an arcana fixes. now im uploading fix


Cool. Which files did you actually change, can you upload just them so we can look at the changes?


OMG, I wrote above, I do not remember all the files that I have modified, too much has changed.


Сompare files and merge that does not match.


I'm not the only one working on a fixes. My friend wrote to fix the sound bug and name generation arch in .lang file


Oh ok. I fixed the .lang file in my branch, but I'll undo that.


UPLOAD LINK IS COMIIING!!! XD https://www.mediafire.com/?yowh0c1uroa8sde - bosses have a quick fix(health scale dont work, but bosses now spawning in compiled version), i now working on healthscale. Methods getHealth() and getMaxhealth() crash client. alternative method - getHP(). now i writing getter of boss max health.


im wroted more bugfixes on this fix, here are some of them: Boss spawning crashing fix, full compatibylity with ic2experimental+fixed bug, where sheeckaxes break industrial blocks very slowly, fixed one more recipe(can not craft rupee sheekaxe), and more


Oh look, DivineRPG still isn't fixed.


add other bugfix(boss spawning and ic2 experimental compatible)


sheenrox82, please, shut up, you talk a lot is not the case, while doing nothing.


I do nothing because I'm busy working on other projects. Like games, and look at you, instigating an argument while I'm doing nothing wrong.


I added your sound fix to my branch, thanks. The arcana name fix shouldn't be necessary, since the bug is caused by the items being registered incorrectly. I'm fixing that.


It was not insulting. I harmed no one. Even team members agree with me. I can voice my opinion like you are right now.


True. However, you can't really blame strelok for being pissed at your comment. He's entitled to that opinion.


It's people like you that make us unmotivated to work on mods for this repulsive community. I say one thing jokingly, and you guys flip out, insulting me, and telling me to stop "insulting people".


Except it wasn't directed towards you people, it was a joke statement, the team mates know this. I do this a lot, even in the Skype chat.


I say one thing jokingly. ONE THING. Strelok and you just start getting pissed at me. Do you realize how hypocritical you guys are right now? It's repulsive and why most of us moved away from this community.


Getting the mod to be compatible with other mods is not the team's top priority right now. Plus most of us have given up on DivineRPG. No one is doing anything really. Caleb barely works on it, we moved onto other things mostly. Singling me out and saying only I do nothing is completely wrong. I'm trying to be friendly and here you are being an ass for no reason.


I will, but have you left some kind of comment in the files? I have no idea which ones to add


Boss is moving onto bigger and better things, I'm working on games. TLH mostly just fucks around in the Skype and coding for fun, Caleb... sometimes ish works on DivineRPG. We're doing stuff, just not stuff on DivineRPG.


We realize that, and no one asked you to work on it. But there is no point in posting a somewhat sarcastic, negative, and insulting comment just for the sake of it.


Brendan (Xolova, founder of DRPG) may or may not come by to tell you guys on why DRPG cannot, will not, and will never work on newer versions of 1.7.10. If he does not come by I will gladly copy/paste his skype messages here.


He told me that if I could finish the update, he'd release it


Except for the fact Brendan worked and updated a few parts, and it never worked. I mean, it worked, it just takes 1 hour to generate the dimension. I will post the messages.


Ok thanks. Do you know exactly what causes the problem? And what forge build?


"Basically I actually updated the arcana the other day to run a test for a possible nwe dimension. Yeah, bad idea. Took 1 hour to generate, it worked fine, but the whole system it uses (and the system Vethea used for layers) is completely useless now"

"Oh Augite will have the same problem likely (even though they copied Nether gen, just cause the new gen method kinda annoying for certain methods of gen)
[6:29:14 PM] Brendan Wildish: But yeah, unless people want to freeze constantly and take years to gen"

"It's cause 1.7.10 changed the way gen prioritizes depending on coordinates. You can't do the same methods you used before
[6:30:34 PM] name_hidden: also, now it gens the y axis in parts"


It's all Forge 1.7.10 builds, the problem is listed above. So sadly DRPG is pretty much done.


Brendan said he'd like your skype information so he can describe why it can't be fixed. If you want.


my Skype name is Eternaldoom Minecraft


what's his?


He just sent you an invite.


Can you wait so that I can incorporate it into my fixes?


Yeah. Are we still using 1180?


School is a pain. ShadowOfStrelok, is this: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yowh0c1uroa8sde/DivineRPG-morefixes.rar the only thing you want me to merge right now?


RadioactiveStud, its most stable quickfixes. The next set of patches I'll post later when making sure that they are stable enough.


Guys, let's quarrel less and do more. Shenrox86, you ever heard of the motto "never surrender"? We, Russian, always guided by this motto. And for a normal programmer, nothing is impossible. The main part of the divine RPG ready mobs \ bosses spawn, the worlds are generated (at least in the twilight dimentions). It remains to fix the bug with trade with NPC
and still a lot of small bugs (some unmapped textures, lack of sounds and more). Old, not the working methods can be replaced with similar new ones.


OMG, internaldoom, why you didnt merge main fix - boss spawning crash? in dev inviroment bosses spawning, but where you compile the mod, spawn boss crashing client.
in my fix it is, but HealthScale isnt working. Im now working on writing getter of max hp (old method when compiling causes a client crash). This is a basic, critical bug where the game is not possible.


I am going to merge it. However, you haven't stated what classes you have modified. Can you use some kind of tool to generate a diffset and post that? There are too many classes in DRPG to go through each one looking for diffs.


This is why we usually made sure only one person was working at once, then
they uploaded it on github so the next person can work.