DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Why the divinerpg.net not working? Are developers abandoned this project?

ShadowOfStrelok opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Github not updated, bugs not fixing.
We have been promised release of the project by mid-late summer. I apologize in advance for the molestation, I just wanted to know whether to wait for me to release mod, and when.


school has started back up and im already busy without school. idk why drpg.net is down, we haven't heard from our server maintainer in months. we might move the wiki over to my team/company's website


also we never promised a release date. we said we were planning for late summer if and only if nothing came up. This is life, things come up all the time. if someone promised you a release date, chances are that person was either kicked or quit the team