DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Pet issues

AstralScourge opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I'm in Eden right now, and I see several pieces of empowered meat just lying on the ground. Now I know why. Bunnies and angry bunnies are leaping at cadillions (and maybe tomos) and damaging them. I thought only the tamed bunnies would do such a thing?

Perhaps this is similar to the hellpigs attacking the pigmen without the former being tamed (though the pigmen actually fight back, so it's not such a big deal). I haven't tested yet, but I'm willing to bet that this bug affects moonwolfs too. (Edit: it does)


It seems they don't attack when they are untamed now, but they have some other problems, like never sitting up and following after being tamed. (This has been a problem for awhile)


Okay, so current bugs with pets I've seen:

  • Bunny crashes if you feed him meat.
  • The function that toggles isSitting on and off is never accessed, so the pets will never sit up.
  • Bunny has the same AI tamed and untamed (so he doesn't follow the player).
  • Bunny is no longer tamed after transforming back to normal form.

Pets should only attack when told, not every mob they see. [Low priority, not gonna happen]

  • Pets move very slowly.

I am not seeing this in eclipse. Does it happen all the time? Something seem to trigger it?


No, they just get attacked. They only get 1 damage per attack, but the mobs never fight back. They're in open spaces, and the damage only occurs near a potential pet.


Any other mods?


Besides nei and damage indicators, no.

I don't have the latest latest build of divinerpg, though. I know there was a "tried fixing pets" commit, so I'll get that version when I have the chance and see if this still happens.


Please check the latest and let us know if the problem still exists.


Apparently, it doesn't. Moonwolves aren't attacking cadillions anymore.


If this is definitely gone, can you test it? Try taming one and getting it to attack.