DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Problem with mob-spawning in vanilla world

ShadowT1me opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Problem with mob-spawning in vannilla world, before using latest updates all was OK, but now they dont actually spawn at all.. With other world ( End, Nether, Eden etc )all is alright.

forge 1291, source`s latest.


Well nothing at all was changed, so I'm not sure what the problem is.


I same cant understand... i got compiled version from 07.03, today compiled new version and spawning of mob in vanilla world ends...

Hmm stop, version of 07.03 , same dont spawn mob in vanilla world, lol :D

My 26.02 version have mob-spawning in vanilla ^_^

look very interesting - why any monster dont spawn in vanilla world ?)


I found problem .. i think this code - " else if(WorldChunkManager.allowedBiomes.contains(biome)){ " 202 line https://github.com/DivineRPG/DivineRPG/blob/7a3950caccfb397c71d40bf0ff75d089941cc105/java/net/divinerpg/utils/entities/MobSpawning.java
here is error, and that because he couldnt spawn any monster in vanilla

Before this code was "else if(biome != DimensionHelper.apalachiaBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.arcanaBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.edenBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.iceikaBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.mortumBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.skythernBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.vetheaBiome && biome != DimensionHelper.wildwoodBiome){"
and it`s worked, but looks funny :D


The old method was incompatible with other mods that added dimensions. I guarantee the new way works, me and 3 other people have no problem.


but as you can see. it's doesnt work, then i returned old method monsters begin spawning


Do you have any other mods whatsoever?


Do you have any other mods whatsoever?
yes, it is thaumcraft 4 and that`s all.


What happens if you remove that?


without thaumcraft 4 they same dont spawn. ( tested in single player )