DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Creative tab issues/suggestions

AstralScourge opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  1. (Bug) Karos cannon has no tab (heliotic beam is there)
  2. (Suggestion) Twilight bow has no tab, I think it should be in "ranged" since it's already programmed in with proper tooltip and all
  3. (Bug) Dream grass is in blocks, but should be in vethea
  4. (Bug) Barred door (item, not block) is in blocks (scroll to the bottom), but should be in vethea
  5. (Sug/bug) Portals are a bit technical. Should they really be in the Creative menu? I mean, end portals and nether portals are not. If they will remain, the Vethea portal should be in "Vethea" and not "blocks" especially since said portal block only appears in Vethea now.
  6. (Sug) The "herbalism" tab should be renamed to something more accurate. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, herbalism relates to herbal medicine or plants. Stuff like chicken dinners (>:D) are anything but herbal medicine...