DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


/fly does not work in survival

ktole1999 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


is this intended?


There's a command called "/fly"? I'm assuming it's from another mod or from a server plugin.


yes essentials plugin on server gives that command. why did divinerpg turn the that flag off? works fine without divinerpg.

also reported by others on my server that it disabled the fluegel tiaras effect from botania. no longer gives flight as well. How can i revert this change?


I actually implemented a system to allow flight compatibility, so the issues involving items are caused by other mods. I'll look into /fly.


I remember there was an issue about flight items not being compatible with drpg. #104 I've also found that extra utils wings don't seem to work with drpg.


I dont understand how this can be caused by other mods. Without divinerpg everything works fine in the Departed pack regarding flight.


He said "the issues involving items are caused by other mods". Items include stuff such as extra utilities wings. /fly is not an item, it's a server plugin command, and it's likely DivineRPG is the problem if everything works fine in the departed pack otherwise.

What does DRPG do to flight, anyway?


For Angelic Armor, it has to control when flight is and isn't allowed for each player. The problem is what people typically do for flight stuff is something like:

If player has item/items, player can fly
Otherwise (and if the player isn't in creative), he/she can't fly at all no matter what


so basically any mod that has added flight with items will be broken if divinerpg is installed based on how the mod handles flight. Not really what i wanted to hear but ok, i guess.