DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


[1.7.10 - Sadly outdated but still] Certain Dimensions freeze the world ticks

PremiumRush opened this issue ยท 1 comments


First off

I am aware I am playing on an outdated version of MC (1.7.10), though I still wanted to ask at least a general question, as I can't find anything on the topic.

What happened?

I tried to enter the Eden Dimension (alternatively, the Apalachian Dimension has the same issue) and wanted to play/leave through the portal again.
However, the moment I step foot into these dimensions, the games' ticks stop.
It does NOT crash, neither is my screen frozen. The game simply stops ticking and therefore I can't leave the dimension even though I can move. Entities stop moving, commands don't get executed etc...
It feels as if I was timing out on a server, just in Singleplayer and I never get kicked.

I tried forcing a crash via F3+C but I can't find anything useful in the crash-report.


My question therefore is: Does anybody know why these "tick" issues happen and what one can do about it?

I will add the crash-report anyway in case someone wants to look at it, until then,
See Ya and thanks for reading!

Links / Files

Edit: log attached


Update about this issue:

As in the crash-log visible, I am playing with a small modpack and I went through every mod and found that the mod "Diversity" seems to be incompatible with DivineRPG 1.7.10. If removed, the mod will work fine.

Thus far, this is good news, though I seem to see a pattern.
The dimensions "Iceika", "Vethea" and "Arcana" are completely fine and work with no issues, while, at the same time, "Eden", "Apalachia", "Mortum" and "Skythern" make the world tick freeze.

Different BiomeGen types?

With a different mod (Anti ID conflicts), I found that all the "corrupted" biomes are listed as
while the 3 working dimensions/biomes are listed as


My next question is, do the "twilight" biomes generate differently to the ones that are not twilight biomes? If yes, what could affect them which can't be affected for "non-twilight" biomes?

That's all, if nobody has an idea, I will consider this issue closed in some days/weeks.

Kindest Regards!