[1.19][Bug]: Biomes not spawning in nether and end
gregest opened this issue ยท 9 comments
BYG Version
Terrablender Version
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
Fabric - 0.14.23
Bug Severity
What happened?
The biomes in the Nether and End refuse to spawn or spawn in a very broken way, like missing trees. I originally thought that it was Amplified Nether and Nullscape which I have disabled and uninstalled, however that wasn't it.
The vanilla biomes and other modded biomes do spawn normally and the overworld biomes also spawn correctly.
I checked the configs, everything that should be enabled is enabled and nothing is turned off, I also completely reset my configs by deleting them, deleting the mod and redownloading the mod
3 Images showing how the biomes that should be the biomes are just the default minecraft Hell biome. THIS is my modded profile
THIS is an entirely new profile with only fabric, BYG and roughly enough items to make it slightly easier to get to the nether, you can see that the biomes aren't bioming
latest.log THIS is the log of the CLEAN profile with only BYG
latest.log THIS is my MODDED profile with many other mods
Did you isolate BYG?
I tried BYG alone
Did you read and understand the above agreement?
- I agree.
I would say client? I generated it myself on my pc in singleplayer
but I actually found out that the issue was with terrablender specifically and not BYG, for some reason the version curse autodownloads is broken and had to use an older one
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly @gregest , I think I know where the issue originates. To confirm could you tell me if everything gets generated properly if you generate it with a Server Instance?
Like start a server with the mod installed and then tell me if the world the server generates has the same flaw
I am having the same issue and I'm running a server instance. However, I am running Forge, not Fabric. Do I fit here or should I create a separate issue?
Duplicate of #1259
Ah, seems like I didn't do a good enough job at making sure it wasn't a duplicate, apologies. I finally got around to trying to mess with the server and just like the other guy, I wasn't able to