Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated

Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated


Suggestion: nether quartz ore variants

bessiq opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I decided to try my hand at basic texture editing/creation, and have been making some ore variants for my own pack. They don't seem too shabby, so I thought I'd share in case you wanted to use them at some point. The provided zip file contains textures, loot tables, lang, tags, and recipes for blue netherrack and brimstone quartz ore.

I won't take offense if you're just not feeling it or it doesn't fit your design goals for those zones, but thought I'd offer since I made it anyway lol. I also don't care about attribution/acknowledgment, and you can of course modify it to your heart's content.

I'm also mashing up textures for many modded ores with BYG and Unearthed stone types - again, for my own purposes. But I can share those as well when they're further along if you'd like to take a look.

BYG is looking better every day. Keep up the good work!


2020-10-29 (1)


will be available in the upcoming update