[Crash]: BYG cannot work on the Mohist(1.18.2-40.1.47-56) Server
Acerie opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Minecraft Version
BYG Version
Terrablender Version
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
What happened?
When I want to add BYG to server Mohist(1.18.2-40.1.47-56), the server cannot start properly and reported this error:
org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: Invalid descriptor on byg.mixins.json
The reported error is too long. For details, see the debug.log(crash-log) and latest.log below.
I tried rolling back BYG to an older version, but the error still exists.
@Acerie can you recreate this issue with 11.14(latest) BYG?
@CorgiTaco Yes, I used the latest version(curseforge: 2022/6/6_11:50PM) of BYG and the error still exists
@Acerie could you verify on a normal forge server this is also the case?
@CorgiTaco After verifying, on a normal forge server, BYG works
Mohist as I've heard does have a tendency to conflict with mods using mixin and BYG unfortunately has too
@Acerie this tells me this is a Mohist conflict, and that means BYG doesn't support Mohist then unfortunately, sorry about that :/