Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated

Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated


World Not Generating Correctly

xd4rkzghost01 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hi there ! Nice mod btw.
(sorry my english is very bad so i'll try to be at mostly clear)
I just created a new world using Default option in the world-type tab. Everything seems fine at the spawn,(using VillageSpawnpoint) but i clearly see that something not working. Nothing outside the village seem have generate (see screenshot).
I'm giving you the modlist im using :
Mods 1 16 2

And This is the world screenshot in question :
2020-09-05_23 02 42
2020-09-05_23 02 59
2020-09-05_23 04 05

Not even a single Tree or a flower seem to have been generate. All the mobs and structure have spawn but.... its like playing in a flat non-flat world. Can you help me ?


There's most likely a broken mod in your instance. BYG's features work on their own so you'll need to find out which mod it is. Please send your latest.log/crashlog


Alright !
This crash report is from when i forget to put Placebo and Bookshelf before adding the Mod they need them. But i din't have any crash after that

And This is the latest.log file, thing i completly dont understand ^^'

Good luck !
i'll try looking for the mod that can do this on my side too.


Darn. forgot to say ima using Forge ? :(
Actually i've delete Apotheosis and....nothing change. I try to download the Fabric and start MC (encounter the Fabric mod only screen) but the latest.log seem have load the block now.

I'm still lost.

Edit : Clearly not BYG. Soooo, gonna loose a day and try each mod that adding blocks or biomes with creating a new world 1 by 1


Oh. What a nice mod/app. But i find the Colonel Mustard with the Knife. It was Terraqueous-1.16-1.7.1
I just delete it and everything is fine.
Just for the cause i re-upload Terraqueous and Apotheosis and create a new world to have a new latest.log file with Blame on it.
Imma hop to sleep and look into Terraqueous tomorrow.
Thank you again.