Instructions for Mod use
Kiwicast opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Needs actual instructions on how to use. I am new to modding and seems to be no other option to protect spawn.
Everything is technically explained enough for people to be able to figure stuff out on their own, in config files, tooltips and the description on the mod pages. I do want to make some beginner guides for the most important things though.
If I may offer, we use bookstack for our wiki. Its super easy to use, many people can have editor access so if you have a team its easy, and it looks very nice as well imo. We use it for all our mods.
Here's some example pages.
Maybe we could start a wiki page editable by the public for the mod? I would have alot to contribute.
Mostly I'm looking for a "cookbook." How do I enable an iron farm? My iron golems don't cook unless I unclaim the area. I'll figure it out EVENTUALLY, but "here! do THIS!" would be nice. I renamed my claim, but I'd LOVE some way to tell players, "Go to http:something.something/renameclaim" and they'll have that on tap for when I'm not available.