Open Parties and Claims

Open Parties and Claims


Corail Tombstone Items not working in claims

Archangelion opened this issue · 8 comments


So I'm running a server and found that tombstones and keys do not work in claims at all. I found the item and block names and entered them into the exception area of the server config file but it still denies the useage.


Did you stop the server before editing the file?
Please also show me where you put the block/item ids for this.


And yes I did stop the server before editing. I had to do this for the Waystones mod which worked after I put them in the same location, however for Corail Tombstone it doesn't seem to work.


Did you stop the server before editing the file? Please also show me where you put the block/item ids for this.

#Blocks to partially exclude from chunk protection. Supports block tags. #Just a block/tag ID in the list, e.g. "minecraft:lever" allows block interaction across the server if the item in the used hand isn't blocking it. #Prefix "hand$" is the same as no prefix but enforces an empty hand requirement in protected chunks. Prefix "break$" allows breaking the block(s). #Prefix "anything$" is the same as no prefix but allows interaction with any item held in the hand. Please make sure that no item does anything bad when used at a block with such an exception. #Add the same block/tag multiple times to use multiple prefixes. Supports patterns with special characters *, (, ) and |, where * matches anything, ( ) are used for grouping and | means OR. #For example ["minecraft:lever", "minecraft:*_button", "break$minecraft:*_button", "break$minecraft:(*_|)sand"] forcedBlockProtectionExceptionList = ["minecraft:crafting_table", "waystones:waystone","waystones:mossy_waystone","waystones:sandy_waystone", "mcwdoors:wooden_portcullis", "tombstone:decorative_grave_simple", "tombstone:decorative_grave_normal", "tombstone:decorative_grave_cross", "tombstone:decorative_grave", "tombstone:decorative_subaraki_grave", "tombstone:decorative_grave_original"]


It's important to note as well that I added the key here and it didn't work either. Although weirdly enough neither did the rockets which was already in the code.

#By default, most item right-click uses are disabled in protected chunks. To make an exception for a specific item, add it to this list. This option has a higher priority than "additionalBannedItemsList". #This list applies to both using an item at air and using it at a block/entity. Supports item tags. Supports patterns with special characters *, (, ) and |, where * matches anything, ( ) are used for grouping and | means OR. #For example ["minecraft:fishing_rod", "minecraft:ender_pearl", "minecraft:(red|green)_bed", "#minecraft:beds"] itemUseProtectionExceptionList = ["minecraft:firework_rocket", "tombstone:grave_key"]


Have you tried adding the tombstones in the entity exceptions? They might not be blocks.


Have you tried adding the tombstones in the entity exceptions? They might not be blocks.

Just tested that out, including using anything$ to see if that would allow the key to work but I still get the error message: (Main Hand) You are not allowed to interact with this block!


How did you get the block IDs? What is the ID on the F3 screen when you look at one? Having "decorative" in there does not seem right.


It's exactly what I said. I had to go test it myself. Use "tombstone:grave_*" to include the actual gravestones. Not every block is an item and not every item is a block. Get block IDs from the F3 screen, not your inventory.