Open Parties and Claims

Open Parties and Claims


[Feature Request] Server admin tools for claims

douglasg14b opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Maybe some of these exist and I haven't found them yet, but generally the ability for server admins to manage claims would be very helpful for practical problems servers face with claims (ie. massive claim clutter). And can enable server admins to create claim management systems via commands:

  1. List claims by player
  2. Find/list disconnected claims by player (Each non-adjacent chunk claim is a separately listed item)
  3. Find/list claims & owners that have been inactive for xx hours/days
  4. Transfer claim ownership
    • Since there is no way to mark specific claims as non-expiring, transferring ownership may be desirable for persistent claims?
  5. Extend individual claim expiration time || Fake claim/player activity for claim
  6. Interact with specific claims & claimed chunks via commands
    • ie. /openpac claim {claimId | chunkId} {info|remove|add|transfer|???}

You can yeah, though there isn't really a command-line way to interact with it end-to-end, which is why I put these items in the way they are.

Do you have ideas about how some of these might be implemented? Tech design may be helpful in getting community support to build features like this.


I'm not looking for community support atm.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll consider them.
You can remove any claims when you are in admin mode, which can be used for number 4 and partially number 6.