Default Config changes not recognised
DoctorMage opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
Mod Vesion: open-parties-and-claims-forge-1.19.2-0.19.3.jar
Forge: 43.2.6
Edit default player config in defaultconfigs
#When enabled, claimed chunk protection makes an exception for dropped item access by the following entities: minecraft:villager. If the dropped item protection is based on the mob griefing rule check, then the claimed neighbor chunks must also allow the item access.
#1) Party - players or entities owned by players in the same party as you.
#2) Allies - players or entities owned by players in parties that are allied by yours.
#3) Every - all players/entities.
Villagers = 3
delete serverconfig folder and let world generate a new one (this is also the same for a newly generated world)