Open Parties and Claims

Open Parties and Claims


[FORGE] VS family grifering

Sepera-okeq opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Since Valkyrien Skies is a library for these modifications, which work according to the same scheme (all created objects of this mod are ships)

So, for example, the same TNT block that turns into a ship and undermining (using a bow outside the protected area) - it causes damage bypassing protection. (Moving with the help of a graviton in Clockwork)


This wand (from the Clockwork mod) allows you to create ship entities, bypassing protection.


Can you make several switches in settings of the player region chunks - separately specifically related to the stick as above and the other is protection from the ship entity?

Version Minecraft: 1.20.1
ModLoader: Forge loader
Mods: Valkyrien Skies - Clockwork - Minecraft Mod , Eureka! Ships! for Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric) - Minecraft..., Create: Interactive - Minecraft Mod

Why did I specify several mods at once? Because since they work on the same type of entities, fixing the security bypass for the library will allow you to fix interactions for other modifications as well.

As mentioned in the last issue (#441), I have divided them into two different ones.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll consider it.