Players unable to offline forceload
JayAitch opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Having issues allowing players to offline forceload or change the option dispite (what i think) to be the cofigurations set up. Currently using version open-parties-and-claims-forge-1.19.2-0.22.0
on the server/client.
Offline forceloading is disabled, and isnt modifyable by the players on my server.
I have added claims.forceload.offlineForceload
to [server]/config/openpartiesandclaims-server.toml
to the string arrays at playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions
and opConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions
I have also modified offlineForceload = true
within [server]/config/openpartiesandclaims-default-player-config.toml
Is there something im missing to allow players to forceload whilst offline?
Did you stop the server before editing [server]/config/openpartiesandclaims-server.toml
Also, please use the mod's in-game UI screen to edit anything other than the main server config.
Yup, server was off, both .toml files where updated after booting server.
My understanding of [server]/config/openpartiesandclaims-default-player-config.toml
is that its a default configuration for players allowing me to modify their defaults when they load, is that incorrect?
Is there a way of editing the default player config server side?
Thanks for the help :)
Yup, server was off, both .toml files where updated after booting server.
I don't think I understand this.
All "player configs" including wilderness, server claims and expired claims should be edited with the in-game UI screen that you can open with a key binding. It's set to ' by default.
Well when I modify that file to enable the option to be edited on players' clients. The option is disabled in the menu.