OTG covers my Mod biome
MoeShimaKaze opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I am running Vampire Mod and OTG on my server. When I use Biome_Bundle's preset, the terrain of the vampire forest in Vampire Mod can't be generated. Please tell me how to solve the compatibility of these mods for OTG.
You have to recreate the biomes manually. You have to do this for every biome added by a mod. It sucks, but that's the price you have to pay to use OTG. I'm hoping that at some point we have a place to share our custom biomes for super popular mods (like Thaumcraft or Integrated Dynamics) so people can just drop them into their config folder, or download a BiomeBundle with the necessary biomes already added in.
Start here:
Will close this since it's so old, thanks for helping @darchitectlp!