Open Terrain Generator (OTG)

Open Terrain Generator (OTG)


JungleEdge not in BorderBiomes list

Graagh opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Ok, last one for tonight I promise! And at least this is an easy one. In a defalut-generated world written when you use an empty world folder, the JungleEdge biome is correctly coded as a border biome in the biome config file, but will not generate because it isn't in the BorderBiomes list in WorldConfig.ini. Actually I haven't tested it. I just assume it won't generate because it's missing from the list.


Yeah my bad I didn't include it when making the default world.

Not too big a deal, I'll try to get around to fixing it at some point.


Woops, still hadn't fixed this! Fixed it for v7, thanks for reporting!


*also JungleEdge M