OpenBlocks Elevator

OpenBlocks Elevator


Elevator completely invisible and unaccessable

jajajafeti opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I camouflaged the elevator with a Chisel & Bits carpet like item. And now its gone, the elevator is functional and blocks the space so I cant place another block there, but not visible, accessable nor has a hitbox. In the video you can see a piston can move it and gets visivle a short time, but thats all. Now I let my Turtle from CC tweaked dig the block aaaand the server crashed, but its still there. So I have to think of something else to remove it...
But I would suggest a config file, where you can blacklist camouflag items, tags and even complete mods like Chisel & Bits.
And I play on 1.16.3


This was fixed in #71
Try using the latest version (1.16.4-1.7.9), it should also be compatible with 1.16.3