


Block breaker destroyed blocks

Nolorwolf opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So I found some blocks that get destroyed by BB without output. Most of these are "reasonable" in terms that beehives don't drop bees because you need scoop and TC Nether ores need certain tier of tools to mine. But can you make them just not work in those cases? Its not worth destroying a block just to find out that it doesn't work I think.

Anyway, only things I found so far are Cobalt Ore and Ardite Ore from TC and Cobweb, so no big deal if those are only ones.


I understand what you mean, and I too would find it awkward if my frame machine for instance (with RiM) would clog up on first Rocky or Marble hive. Could there be a way to at least add some scoop upgrade maybe? Almost every modpack uses Forestry and beehives are quite abundant in the world, but destroying them is still a waste as you mostly find those quarrying :/

I have no final solution for this, I love balance and mining Cobalt and Ardite for instance like it is now (with diamond pick used in BB) is not rly an option, but destroying them limits the possibilities of creative quarrying that is much harder than normal one. But since not many people quarry in nether, it least beehives would be nice to handle somehow...


I can look in to it
I had considered adding a 'Right click always' feature to the placer, so a 'Don't break if no output' button on the breaker wouldn't go a miss


Hmmm. Not sure about this one. The point of the block breaker is to break blocks. Changing the behaviour of this may be better for some, but worst for others.

I vote no on this one, but lets see what the other guys think.


After thinking about this, although it's possible to add. It's not what the breaker is for. The block breaker BREAKS blocks, sometimes you recover them. In some cases you don't. Hives and some of the Tinkers Ores for example. This is intended operation because mDiyo has his own special tools and Foresty requires a scoop.

Closed on the case of intended operation.