


World Corruption with Pams Harvestcraft

lfjewett opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Shortly after installing OpenBlocks on a 1.6.4 server, we had several client side crashes. Once crashed the user and anyone in that area could not log back in. The client side error indicates the problem is with PamsHarvestCraft but in all cases there was an OpenBlocks Sprinkler active in the area. I'm not sure whos bug this will turn out to be so I started here. Log is below.

For now we've disabled the sprinkler to avoid the issue. I hope a fix can be found. Thanks.


Pretty sure this is a harvest craft bug, and not the first we've come across. It seems as though they do a lot of things they probably shouldn't be doing.

Either way I'll take a look once I get a chance, but pretty sure its not our problem.

Harvest craft need to be far more defensive in their programmig considering how much stuff they seem to poke around with


Only thing I can think of in Render Block is that it's trying to render the sprinkler as a water block because it's Material.water.

But it's quite hard to tell without looking at the code :)


Closing this as I'm pretty sure it's not our bug. Also noticed that you're using mcp++, which could have an impact (and we do not support it)
