


Unable to disable Generic Item

ShadowDrakken opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I've disabled everything that can be made from the generic items, but setting generic item to ID 0 just makes it use ID 256 instead of actually disabling them.


Generic items are used in too many recipes, so it would very messy to allow disabling. If you want to disable those, why do you install this mod in first place?

Also, cursor is not generic item (pointer, used for cannon is), so you can disable it normally.


I could implement this, but it doesn't make any sense to disable generic item. It's used for fail checking(I'm trying to say: check if any item can even be registered)!


Maybe then, if it's set to 0, register them at the default ID and then unregister?

As it stands, it creates 11 or so items that users on my server can craft that are completely unusable (except the cursor, which I absolutely don't want players having access to in the first place) after crafting them because the items they're used for are disabled.


We're still using tons of the other items, just nothing that needs the generic items, most of those tend to be way OP for the balance we're after. And the cursor is 15323 just like all the other generics, sorry.

I:itemGenericId=14976 // ingame: 15232, including item named Pointer
I:itemGenericUnstackableId=14996 //ingame: 15252
I:itemCursorId=14997 //ingame: 15253

Rest of this issue is feature suggestion, with low priority (sorry). I don't think that few useless items and recipes are big problem.


Sorry, that must be new in the last week then.

My config has no I:itemGenericUnstackableId or I:itemCursorId and the CURSOR is 15323:8 in-game (I'd be happy to screenshot if it's that important)


Name confusion. You have version with old cursor (now pointer), which is used only for cannon.