


[Feature Request] Liquid XP Mob Spawner

Opened this issue ยท 5 comments


It makes it hard to build a mob farm when you have to be within 16 blocks for the spawners to work, if you can find any.

My idea is just to add a "Mob Fabricator". When given enough LXP and a "Mob Design", it will spawn a mob, regardless of light level and player distance. The "Mob Designs" would be gotten from villagers and/or a "Mob Analyser". The Fabricator should take just below the average xp dropped for that mob.

Other mods have done this, I know, but MFR's is not compatible with LXP, and never will be (#270), and I can never find enough spawners to use SS2.


It's very unlikely* that OpenBlocks will ever spawn mobs, sorry.

  • Unless I'm overruled.

Although the two liquids are not currently directly transferable and someone may/may not code an xp conversion block there is a way to convert from LXP to ME and back.

Store LXP in an OB tank
Punch tank to gain XP
Use XP extractor from MFR
Store as ME in another tank for use with MFR machines

For ME to LXP
Place bucket of ME on ground
Drink with straw
Stand on OB drain

These are the ways I know but someone had suggested converting to the XP orbs and then use a sewer from MFR.

With all this I still think this block would be kind of nice

tl:dr lots of work to convert liquids block is good idea IMO


@Sprocks59: ๐Ÿ‘
@mikeemoo: Is there any real reason why not? I didn't think that spawners were hard, glancing at the code... I just didn't want to have to add/write an extra mod to my "lite" modpack.


Nothing to do with how hard they are to make - I just prefer OpenBlocks not to enter the world of balancing hell.

Soul Shards almost killed itself trying to balance. He was criticized before he changed it, criticized after he changed it. It's a line I don't really want openblocks to walk.


Wow, I thought SS2 had a rather clean reputation. I guess that's what I get for only reading the top posts...

I'll just close this, in that case.