


Experience Duping with newest Shower update..

Razorskills opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Simple, all you need is a tank with a drain on it, a thermal expansion pie sending the xp up to another tank. and a shower above you. you just stand on top of the drain and voila. watch the xp rise in on your person. but both tanks remain full.

heres a picture:


Check OpenModsLib file name. If it isn't OpenModsLib-0.4b.jar (notice 'b' at end), update.


Lol yup I'm using version b


Can't reproduce. Also, bottom tank is not full on picture.

Can you zero your xp, stand under shower for a while, break it while standing on plate and see, if it zeroes?


I can confirm the dupe of experience does occur, but only if you have experience already. I tested with 0 xp and it worked as intended. However if I gave my character just 1 xp it duped. The increase is slow and goes up and down a bit, but it does increase over time. I did further testing with BC and ExtraUtilities pipes and it works as intended. This is the second fluid duplication bug (first was near impossible to independently replicate and could not sort out variables) I've found with TE fluiducts and likely this issue should be reported to them.


Right adding further. Scratch it being MCPC+. In SSP the dupe only occurs when player has 3 or greater XP.
Using this info to test I found other dupe bugs with TE fluiducts. This issue is a TE issue not OpenBlocks. This issue can be closed.