


Disabling Blocks causes Errors?

fallatus opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey, I have read you can disable blocks by setting the ID to 0.
For example:
# The id of the block-breaker block
# The id of the block-placer block

But I get errors when I do this:

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}

14:19:49 [INFORMATION] Loading dimension 0 (thaumotopia) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@6456ad90)

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}

14:19:49 [INFORMATION] Loading dimension 7 (DIM7) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@6456ad90)

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}

14:19:49 [INFORMATION] Loading dimension -31 (DIM-31) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@6456ad90)

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}

14:19:49 [INFORMATION] Loading dimension 1 (DIM1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@6456ad90)

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] FML has detected item discrepancies

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Missing items : {2563=Item 2563, Type openmods.item.ItemOpenBlock, owned by OpenBlocks, ordinal 19, name openblocks_blockbreaker, claimedModId null}

14:19:49 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Mismatched items : {}


These "errors" are simply there because FML's Item Tracker (which trackes the Items and Blocks in a world) warns you if you load a world which prior had some Items or Blocks that you are now missing. FML does that just for your information and if you haven't used the blocks you are disabiling, you can just ignore them.


Ah thank you :)