


[BUG]Liquid XP(Openblocks) conflicts with Liquid XP(Immibis' LXP mod)

iLLHunter opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The fluid Liquid XP conflicts with the already existing Liquid XP from Immibis' LXP mod.

The liquid XP from Immibis does not work in Openblocks XP shower.

The two fluids are the same name "liquid XP" but the two bucket items are not. Openblocks is 'XP bucket' while Immibis' is 'LXP bucket'

When I put an Openblocks XP bucket in MFR Unifier preference slot and send mob essence through it, it is converted to Immibis liquid XP, not openblocks'.

If I send liquid XP from Immibis through Unifier, with only the Openblocks' XP bucket in preferences, it converts it to mob essence, even though that is not in preference slot.

When I use the Openblocks vacuum hopper to collect xp orbs and send them into the system, they become Immibis' liquid XP, not openblocks'.

There is no way to get liquid XP from Openblocks, and the two fluids have been made incompatible.

I am making the report here because Immibis was first. Openblocks came afterwards with the conflicting fluid. Also, there are no problems converting or using the other mods' liquids, only openblocks.


Ok, looks like somehow I missed this issue. Anyway, it's no longer valid:

  • Immbis' LXP is now called immibis.liquidxp (probably changed somewhere around 57.1.0) - no longer conflicts with our id
  • I don't know why this liquid name was selected. It was in original implementation, before I started contributing. Maybe it was botched compatibility attempt. @mikeemoo?
  • We've always registered fluid with Forge. But we ignored situations where fluid was not properly registered. It's now fixed.
  • For solving future problem, I added option to configure fluid id. Of course, it can dangerous, but I don't have any better idea right now .

There is such a thing as a "Forge Fluid", and a way to register that fluid in the FluidRegistry. Registering OpenBlocks' liquid XP should make it compatible with Immibis' liquid XP


I think its more complicated than that. This issue has been around for a while. I think the problem is that the liquids are worth a different amount per volume, i.e. a bucket of liquid xp is not worth the same amount of player experience that is in a bucket of xp juice. It's probably similar to the issues with MFR mob essence. If one bucket is worth more or less experience it can really let you exploit mod mechanics and would break one of the mod's balance. The only real solutions would be coming up with an agreed upon universal value for a bucket of experience so they can all work nicely together, which probably won't happen, or just keep the fluids all incompatible and separate as they are now.


Its not complicated, imo. Immibis' Liquid XP and Mob Essence may have different XP values but they don't conflict, so its not a problem. The issue is Openblocks added a fluid with the same name, so it conflicts with Immibis'. Liquid XP from Immibis and Liquid XP from Openblocks may have different XP values too, but that is not the problem. The problem is the conflicting fluid. I am not trying to make one type of liquid XP into another or arbitrage the difference in XP amounts. I am trying to turn mob essence into liquid XP, but because of the conflict I am getting the wrong type of liquid XP.

If adding a fluid of the same name, would make sense that the fluids should be compatible(possibly registered in Forge Fluid Registry),or the newer fluid(Openblocks) should be renamed to remove the conflict with the pre-existing one.


Thank you for responding and the fix