


Mass kicking issue

devryb opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This error shows up and kicks everyone off the server often.

Dark Trilogy modpack v1.0.3


Looks like duplicate #491, but with extra logs I added later. As said in comment to previous issue, crashes in that place are not fatal, i.e. we try to send data to player, something goes wrong. crash is logged but server continues work - we don't even get to actual player connections. There is very small chance this is cause of kicking.

Most possible explanation is that OpenBlocks tries to send packet AFTER something catastrophic happened. Possibly mass disconnect due to loss of connectivity to server - all that timeouts and IOExceptions, even for players not mentioned in stacktraces. Also, stacktraces are printed in exact same second as timeout - if one caused other there would be more delay between logs.

I will probably modify OpenModsLib to ignore broken players, since now I know there is valid case where that piece should silently fail. Anyway, it won't fix your issues. You should look for something else.


I know boq :p i was asking to devryb.


It was a corrupted or different then the server open mods config file on the client.
Sorry to have bugged you :)
But yes if there's anyway around that in the future as the error wasn't too descriptive that would be nice :)


Sorry that comment is for
OpenMods/OpenModsLib#29 (comment)

What resolved this issue actually just ended up needing to restart the server and no issues since



You found a way to solve it ?


As I tried to explain, this is not our issue: players are already kicked when this log is written, but kick itself is not caused by any part of mod (or at least according to logs).