


EnderIO Redstone & OpenBlocks Fans

MBfromOK opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Minecraft 1.7.10
Forge Mod Loader

I discovered your mod and got all excited to build a waterless mob spawner using your fans with with EnderIO's concealed redstone conduits, I briefly tested it in my test world and thought that it was working, so I started the build... 3 days later I finished the build and flipped the vanilla minecraft switch and nothing happened!

Confused, I exited the game and checked my config file (OpenBlocks.cfg):

fan {

Maximum force applied every tick to entities nearby (linear decay)


Range of fan in blocks


Is fan force controlled by redstone current


Yep, everything is good, I go back into my test world and tried every setup I could think of and none of the following work:

In fact the only thing that works with my loaded mods is default vanilla minecraft levers, redstone, & / repeaters.

I am not sure who to report this to so I am posting here first and then will reference this post on their Github.

Also, in the Minecraft Mods List there is an entry that looks wrong, messed up / buggy:

It is followed with:



Fixed two months ago. Your snapshot is four months old. Do the math and then download release.

@hilburn We derped and checked only on client side at one point. After fixing that fans work fine with conduits.


I had a look at the fan code and the issue seems to be an odd case caused by the fact that conduits (or rednet cables) don't supply redstone to the block they're in, but to the faces they are connected to. Thus your call at to check adjacent blocks indirect power levels returns 0. Checking the Fan's block as well as adjacent ones should fix this.


ah ok, fair enough


@boq Hi, I am an intelligent person, (but not a programmer) who is having a problem. Your website said to come here to report problems.... I did...

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to spend my limited free time attempting to avoid terse messages telling me my mod is out of date only to still get the message I tried so hard to avoid... I checked Google and YOUR website for a newer version when things didn't work and I DID update my mod to the most recent version listed on YOUR website...

I worked a 13 hour day and in the hour or two of "me" time before I went to bed I took the time to check my mods, update them, test them, and then make not one but two posts for the mods related to the issue I am experiencing.

Today, I read my e-mail and see that I received the message I was trying so hard to avoid, so I go back to YOUR website and this is what I see (same as yesterday when I spent my valuable time checking for updates and testing before posting):


Zoomed in:


The Conflict
I learned from another minecraft bug / issue that just because you can find a "newer" version doesn't mean it is the right version so I am trying to stick to official mod author release sites and I don't know how to tell if I should be using "OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.3-snapshot-543.jar" or "OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.3-snapshot-430.jar" What I have learned is that generally you want the file that the mod author lists on his / her page (unless it is a forum post that might be out of date) rather than one from some site like (made up).

The home page download icon for OpenBlocks shows a generic "OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.3.jar" in the status bar as the name of the file to be downloaded... Which was the same filename as the file I had when I started troubleshooting.. I wouldn't have snapshot-430 if I hadn't clicked the "Visit the OpenEye website and download" button, browsed through your modlist and then clicked the OpenBlocks shortcut there.

Therefore, the most recent release would seem to be OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.3.jar unless you click all over the place and find snapshot-430.

You want / say that I should be using a version that isn't 4 months old? Maybe, just maybe you could update (or pass the message to update) the official website with the appropriate "up-to-date" software and name it in such a way that your users can tell if they are up to date?!? I don't know what a Jenkins is, how to "compile source", or what Stable vs Snapshot means (other than my best guess). If someone would explain either jenkins or source compiling in a useful way I would be happy to download / test it, but this "Your mod is out of date" thing happened twice in the last 2-3 days and I am livid.

I know you are busy, I appreciate that you have a life and I want you to live it, but please when someone shows they tried have a little heart... I did my homework, I provided my modlist, I gave you screenshots... Please make an effort on my behalf and at the least update your site, if you can't please have someone that can perform the update do it so that people like me can stay up to date easily and enjoy our freetime playing modded Minecraft with great mods like this one.

Hopefully I remained civil, I am tired and going to bed. Thanks for (hopefully) reading this.


Sorry for causing your frustration. Version bugs are common, so I usually just write very short response.

OpenEye, while it's still our project, is not official download site. It's and files posted there ARE official (and recent) release. I tried to include that link in my response, but GitHub interpreted that as link to other repo and made some mess.

Before responding, I used files available on that page and did quick test (attaching to side, weak power) to confirms that it works. Though I'm not sure what version of EnderIO was used, but I grabbed one of more recent ones from dev/testing server I used EnderIO-1.7.10- - not latest, but also not terribly old. So I'm little bit puzzled why that didn't work in your case.

If you have file OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.3.jar and it doesn't work, it may be renamed snapshot-430 (one used for initial DW20 pack version, so most popular - see this). Our mods have information about build in file /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF inside jar. In official release this file has following contents:

Jenkins-Build: true
Jenkins-Tag: jenkins-OpenBlocks-529
Jenkins-ID: 2014-12-28_15-01-51
Git-Branch: master
Git-Hash: 8ca8d1a also contains link to Jenkins where we have all snapshots - last OpenBlocks build is 543.

Now, while updating, please remember that OpenBlocks and OpenPeripheral both depend on OpenModsLib, so update all three of them simultaneously.


Thanks for the reply, I have calmed down after a good nights sleep. :-)

Question: I don't have ComputerCraft (or OpenPeripheral) installed should I install one or both to help this function better?

I checked the MANIFEST.MF of the original mod download and found the following:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Jenkins-Build: true
Jenkins-Tag: jenkins-OpenBlocks-529
Jenkins-ID: 2014-12-28_15-01-51
Git-Branch: master
Git-Hash: 8ca8d1a
FMLCorePlugin: openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin
FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod: true

To try and clarify, I went to and saw that the filename matched what I had, then clicked the openeye link (just because I was trying to troubleshoot). When I did it gave that massive modlist, I clicked "o" on the index, went down to OpenBlocks (page 5) and clicked it expecting to find a tool that would collect mod usage & crash reports. That is how I got snapshot 430, which (according to the info in the Manifest.MF above) the version I originally experienced the issue with was newer than snapshot 430. That is why if would be so great if you would name your download files with the build/version info in the name. I noticed today that if you browse to all the snapshots including 543 are listed there but it is a (seemingly) unorganized mess. Whether it is an American thing or not I would expect the newest version to be listed either prominently or at the top. That wrong assumption on my part was reinforced when I saw that the next two ?build? numbers listed on the page decreased (to 423 and 421 respectively). Which means that I downgraded trying to fix the problem... Go figure!

Update: I have updated to the newest snapshot of OpenBlocks and OpenModsLib available from Jenkins; the good news is that now the redstone signal is affecting the fans, the bad news is that there is still a problem, would you like me to open a new issue or just discuss it here?

  • If this is unrelated problem, then open new discussion. This one is closed.
  • Fans were fixed in snapshot 470. Not sure what happened on your instance, but release (i.e. snapshot 529) still works fine
  • OpenPeripheral and ComputerCraft are not needed, I just mentioned them just in case you used that
  • OpenEye isn't mod download page - links are only bonus feature. Names are unorganized, because we actually operate on hashes. Filenames vary too much from pack to pack and we are only printing first known name for hash for convenience. If you want page that collects downloads, try this
  • "American thing"? Bleh, I'm from Europe.