


Mini Me mobs crash server on chunk load

Tophie opened this issue · 4 comments


Playing the ModSauce mod pack on the latest update (

Hatched a Mini Me from a Golden Egg.
Caught the Mini Me in a Reusable Safari net from Minefactory Reloaded.
Spawned more Mini Mes from the Minefactory Reloaded Auto-Spawner in a friend's base.
Renamed the auto-spawned Mini Mes to the different members of our group and several members of various different YouTube Minecraft communities.
An hour later the server crashed and wouldn't start up correctly until it was rolled back.

Not thinking it was the Mini Mes that crashed the server, I did it again (because it was an awesome prank as even the targeted friend agreed). Several hours later the server crashed again and would not start up until all chunk loaders were removed. Then it would crash each time the friend's base was loaded. Now the people who have traveled to her base or were already in her base when they logged out now crash the server when they join and are thus unable to join. Otherwise the server runs perfectly smoothly.


You report is missing information. Please post exact MOD version (modpack version is usually useless) and crashlog.


Ah, my apologies.

Mod version 1.3-snapshot-513
OpenModsLib version 0.6-snapshot-269

I have no crash report as it was a server crash. I'll ask the server admin for his copy if he has one. Would you prefer Pastebin or directly copying it here?


Pastebin. Also, what mode was set on autospawner?


Okay, I sent him a request for the crash log when you asked for it.

Auto-spawner was set to normal mode; not exact copy.

A little extra info: after the server was made stable from removing chunk
loaders a kid asked if the server was up. I replied yes, but don't travel
to the friend's base because it would crash the server and he would then be
unable to log in. He decided to see for himself anyway and traveled to my
friend's base via another friend's portal (because he's the kind of kid who
likes going into people's bases against their wishes...). This friend's
portal led straight into the room where I had spawned the Mini Mes.

The kid said that before he crashed he saw a Mini Me with my skin (the one
spawned from the Golden Egg) and a bunch of Mini Mes with the Steve skin
(all those spawned from the Auto-Spawner and renamed to take on the skins
of other users).

So I'm wondering if it's not the auto-spawning of the Mini Mes, but the
renaming of the auto-spawned Mini Mes. Or perhaps it could just be the
renaming of any Mini Me with a Name Tag.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 3:31 AM, Bartek Bok [email protected]

Pastebin. Also, what mode was set on autospawner?

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#582 (comment).

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any
human being can fight; and never stop fighting. - E. E. Cummings