


Block Breaker not ejecting items

Skiewolve opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Running FTB Iinfinity and every time I supply the Block Breaker with a signal, it breaks the block in front of it in place and does not eject it out of the back. this is getting in the way of several of my farms, most notably my automatic cobble generator.


I have a problem with this behavior because the block breaker consistently fails to detect when it has an inventory behind it.

I'm using Thermal Dynamics Itemduct, and if the duct is more than 1 block long, the first time the block breaker is used after the duct is attached, it will drop the block in front instead of ejecting. Subsequent uses will eject into the duct as expected.

Unfortunately, this makes it useless for non-stationary usage, such as in a digging machine, because after every movement, the duct is attached for the 'first time' again. The problem can be easily reproduced without any block moving mods though, just break and replace the duct where it's attached to the block breaker and it will fail to eject again.


How does it behave with passive inventories, like chests? Breakers don't do any itemduct specific magic - they just look for something that accepts items and if that that fails, they drop.

This sound somehow like itemduct quirk (some kind of delayed initialization?). Also, probably separate issue from this one.


It works fully with chests. Duct even works if it forms a 1 block long connection to a chest.

It does seem like it could be an issue with ducts, but I'm not sure how I would explain this problem outside the context of block breakers, which are the only item that I've noticed an effect with.

If the initialization of the duct network is delayed, it doesn't seem to be a time delay, because I can wait any amount of time between placing the last piece of duct next to the breaker and activating it, and it will still not eject the block on the first activation.


I was thinking more about initialization of first item push - inventory would not accept, but re-initialize itself by next try/tick. Block breakers wouldn't work with that, since they only try once (as opposed to hopper-like items that try on every tick).


Reports with just modpack are nearly worthless. Please report EXACT version and if you are using any modified server (cauldron? sponge?).


Thank you, I think I can manage to rebuild for now...will try to fix my other projects as well.


My Apologies, am new, running version 1.3 OpenBlocks however I stated the pack name since I can use the exact same versions in another pack. Also im not on a multi server. Please ask if I am missing anything.


Sorry, can't reproduce in OpenBlocks only. Do you have any inventory behind block breaker? Also, note that breaker now drops items in front (if no inventory is available).


Ah that's the problem, I didn't know about that change, Is it possible for them to eject out the back via configs or better yet, into pipes, such as BC or AE?


BuildCraft integration was bugged in that release (it should be fixed in next release). Drops from back - I will try to restore it.


Oh, assign? And what I'm supposed to do with that?

Anyway, tried to do it in sane way, failed due to client-server derpiness. Degrading it to suggestion, since it was deliberate decision.


@boq Assigned as an alert, I'll avoid that.

Suggestion is good.