


Void death

patchchristensen opened this issue ยท 2 comments


We are playing in a world with a void (no bedrock). On death there is no grave stone created and even if there was you would not be able to get to it.

What would be great that when you die in the void it creates a grave stone coordinates set in the config file(kinda setup a cemetery) or perhaps back to the players spawn. If we just set keep player inventory to true they are fearless because they never have a penalty. But loosing xp and have to walk all the way back to the cemetery would work out great. Maybe even could be an option for all deaths so the graves stones are always in the same spot(community cemetery). Wouldn't end up with abandoned graves stones every were. OP's could easily clean out old graves stones from time to time.
It would really give some cool ideas on making different takes on player death. And solve our problem of course :)


the cool thing is, its open source, so you can add it :D


I would love too, but I am not a programmer and wouldn't even know where to start.