


Shift-click to open /dev/null GUI

Adaptivity opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Is it possible to add config option, so instead of click you need to press shift-click to open /dev/null gui? Should be easy to do :)


Ok, now it needs sneak-click air to open GUI (not sure if you wanted just sneak-click anything or air sneak-click, but I like second option more). Also, enabled by default.


Good! Thanks a lot!


@boq can you do this? Or maybe @nevercast?


I'd seen this already and had ignored it as I'm not familiar with the implementation or intention of the /dev/null item. Someone else will look at this when they can.


Well, we had good reason to implement it this way: /dev/null was supposed to behave as block item, so shift-click was already reserved for placing new block without interaction with clicked block. We used click without any block selected to open GUI because it was meaningless to normal blocks.

If you provide good reason for change, I might implement it.


I don't know how it feels for other users. But on my own experience I don't like that everytime I click RMB to place block but instead of that GUI pops up (I know that this happens due to block was too far away from me but this happens to me very often). This is why I've requested this as an config option, not a complete change.