


[Feature Request] Block Breaker Blacklist

chaosblad3 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Would be nice as a server owner to be able to set a list of blocks that the block breaker should not work on.

Recently I found a dupe bug that works by putting items into a vacuum chest from enderIO, then aiming a block breaker at it, setting the block breaker on a timer and then opening the vacuum chest gui, wait for the timer to trigger and the block breaker to break the vacuum chest, but the gui doesn't close so you can still take the duped items out of the ghost gui while the originals stay in the vacuum chest that drops.. obviously I know that's not your fault and will also be reporting the dupe to the enderIO devs to fix on their end, but it would have been nice in the mean time if we could have blacklisted the vacuum chest while the enderIO devs fix it, and im sure there are other good reasons for a server owner to want to blacklist certain blocks ;)


wouldn't the same dup happen if a 2nd player broke the vacuum chest?