


Fan Block

mikeemoo opened this issue ยท 20 comments


A fan. You aim it it in a general direction (any 360 degrees, like signs), and it very gently blocks entities away if it has line of sight.


I just meant support 3rd party
If BC/IC2/UE is detected, require it
Would love to start doing some mod interop


Have several sizes of it, which affects the fan's distance and its blocking range.

Also can it spin signs? :P (don't take that seriously)


Is there a limited range on this?


Also we should make our things OmniWrench compatible :D


Also it should require power :P Because OP and such


Also I love it :D


Yeah gotta have a range limit. Maybe up to 40 blocks or something, but the ones very far away will barely have any noticeable effect at all. The closer you are, the stronger the blow (however, very weak regardless).

As for power: I don't really think so. I REALLY want to avoid power systems in OpenBlocks if possible. If it consumed redstone or coal I wouldn't mind, but screw power grids


I know you meant 3rd party :) I dont think OpenBlocks should use any power system :/


If not then the recipes need to be much more expensive. Example: Elevator.. WAYY! Too cheap for it's function, it's quantum teleportation effectively. I mean sure it's only vertical, but it makes all other Elevator mods redundant. It's not nice to make mods redundant unless they're bad mods :P


Which mods does the elevator make redundant? :)


It doesn't make elevators redundant... it's only another method for upwards travel. People could, just as easily, add a ladder transport or make an MFFS 3 "frame" elevator.

One thing that strikes me as quirky about it is that there's no ender pearl in the recipe. Usually, you'd think that actions requiring teleportation would require at least one ender pearl.


Yup I agree about the ender pearl. I'll revisit that recipe.


Back on topic, perhaps the fan's strength can be modified by a variance in redstone power. The stronger the signal, the farther the fan reaches.


I like this idea teamvista.


NeverCast. If I looked at the code for the comparator, I could implement teamvista's idea.


It's bloody easy to implement.
Go ahead and implement it and make a PR, either Mikee or myself will review it :)


Alright, I'll see what I can do.


Also I think we should make it so that redstone disables, not enables. And they shouldn't have a collision area


Fans are a bit.. yeah. I've been messing with (breaking) them in the latest commits. I'm not happy with them.

Their uses are quite limited in mob traps right now I found, and opted to use the extra utils conveyors in my own builds instead.

I'm happy for someone to rewrite or even just help come up with a better idea for these as I think they currently have little worth.

One thing that might work better is a alignment along axis and a straighter pushing area, so theyd be similar to conveyors.


There's a fan for now, which'll do. might look to improve this at a later date