


sprinkler duplicate.

BartolomeoDR opened this issue · 12 comments


Hi. I found this duplicate glitch on 1.6.4 and now I test it on 1.7.10
Yeah! it`s working!

  1. put sprinkler
  2. pour any liquid (excluding water and lava) also any liquids in mods
  3. have х2 sprinkler

You can watch my video


I'm not sure what ancient version you have, but it's not reproducible in most recent OpenBlocks (for 1.7.10). MC 1.6.4 is, of course, completely unsupported,


Sorry, but you are wrong. You have fixed it with lava&water, but some fluids still do dupe.
Problem is yours - you are using Material.water, and this is wrong for actuall blocks.
Some fluids "override" Material.water by flowing into it, and they will call breakBlock ( or how its called, i cant remember ) TWICE. Yes, this is bug, but its vanilla bug. So you could fix vanilla code, that each mod uses, or you could change material to somethnig else.

And again - yes it doesnt work with all fluids, but some - do dupe.
(Tried in latest version that is aviliable on openblocks web site)

And yes, some mods DO NOT CHECK isReplacable. Yes, this is their issue, but a lot of mods do this bullsheat. Do you really need to have material type of water ? Is it required by sprinkler ?


Ok, then issue description is misleading - I tried BC oil and fuel and BM
life essence and couldn't break sprinkler, so I'm assuming at least Forge
standard fluid works.

Also, it's water since there is no hook for 'provides moisture' in farmland. Should've been PRed some time ago, but...


Just tested with fluid from Biomes'O'Plenty and thaumcraft - they both will dupe. Also all FINITE fluids ( FiniteFluid class ) will wash sprinkler, but it wont dupe. All other fluids just wont wash sprinkler at all. I think open blocks + BOP / Thaumcraft is pretty popular combination. And yes, it doesnt work with a lot of mods - but in same time it works with a lot of other mods.

Also i think i should report this to forge - there is a few more blocks that could dupe in this way ... I will check if this is vanilla forge problem or not in a few minutes.


if it's a specific set of fluids, wouldn't that mean that those fluids are the cause, not the blocks or the base fluid classes?


Its actually bug in BlockFluidClassic, and this is why some fluids dont work and some do.
I think IC2 and BC might extend BlockFluidBase, and not Classic one


@boq you could change metadata / check if block is air before droping and set it to air after first break, that might help.


Ok, I have found the solution to double drops. Will commit later (internet problems).


YEAH ! I WIN! I know a lot of duplicate glitch on your mod.


Well, your issue would be dead and forgotten, if somebody else wouldn't step in and clarify what "any liquid" means (hint: not any liquid). So I wouldn't call it "win".

Also, whole point of issue tracker is, well, reporting issues. Not gloating about knowing them.