


Block Placer causing Duping Bug [Solved]

DevilsWings opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Tested in openblocks 1.8 PO3 environment, Block placer doesn't consumes blocks in its own inventory yet places a block, causing item duping to be viable. #


Can't reproduce with just OpenBlocks. I will need more information:

  • what is in front of placer?
  • what are you trying to place?
  • how do you trigger it?

Can't reproduce with just OpenBlocks. I will need more information:

  • what is in front of placer?
  • what are you trying to place?
  • how do you trigger it?
  • Air Blocks(i.e. nothing)

  • Wood log/Iron blocks, basically anything arbitrary

  • Tried triggering it with Timer from RF tools and just a vanilla buttons, both methods works

It seems like a pretty generic issue imo, if it can't be reproduced with pure openblocks, I do believe it would be a problem on PO3


Problem seems to be coming from the PO3 server files, guess those server files really aren't ready yet