


Openblocks config change not reflected on file save & server restart

gtech6 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have changed the dropblock's maxPassThrough value from 16 to 250 in the openblocks.cfg file:

    # The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails

I closed the server, hit save on the config and restarted the server. Upon attempting to use the elevators I could not pass through a distance of about 40 blocks, so I changed another setting this time around, which was originally set to false:

    # Disable limit of blocks between elevators (equivalent to maxPassThrough = infinity)

After restarting the server again, the change did not seem to take any effect. I tested whether the elevators would work on the server with a distance of 16, and it sure did work. Any tests with distances higher than that did not work.

I am using OpenBlocks-1.12.2-1.8.1 as a part of All The Mods Remix 3 1.5.2