


Extreme fog after clouds

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For some reason when I get higher than the clouds on clouds fancy and fast, there is extreme amount of fog everywhere. If I close the clouds, the fog is everywhere.


Fixed by BetterFPS. Just wait for new release now.


Note that this was also a BetterFPS issue without CubicChunks. Which I would have known if I actually tested it myself.


Screenshots? And log.


ALWAYS give information about all other mod syou have installed and full client and/or server log when you report a bug.

This is most likely BetterFPS patching something in a strange way.


Which exact mod version is it? And yes, include the log.


Still, i want full CubicChunks version (ideally commit hash) and log.


Cubic Chunks version.


Are you sure this only happens with BetterFPS?


VanillaCubic is literally just vanilla generator filled with stone below y=0. FllatCubic is cubic chunks version of superflat. CustomCubic is customizable cubic chunks world, that actually does peoper cubic chunks terrain. Remove BetterFPS first. And test again.


oh... I haven't used betterfps. You got me very confused here.


Strange things are going to happen with non-vanilla fog algorithms because currently I use very confusing hack to make the fog disabled below y=0.

The relevant part in vanilla code looks like this:

        double d1 = (entity.lastTickPosY + (entity.posY - entity.lastTickPosY) * (double)partialTicks) * world.provider.getVoidFogYFactor();

        if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && ((EntityLivingBase)entity).isPotionActive(MobEffects.BLINDNESS)) {
            int i = ((EntityLivingBase)entity).getActivePotionEffect(MobEffects.BLINDNESS).getDuration();

            if (i < 20) {
                d1 *= (double)(1.0F - (float)i / 20.0F);
            else {
                d1 = 0.0D;

        if (d1 < 1.0D) {
            if (d1 < 0.0D) {
                d1 = 0.0D;

            d1 = d1 * d1;
            // this makes the fog appear
            this.fogColorRed = (float)((double)this.fogColorRed * d1);
            this.fogColorGreen = (float)((double)this.fogColorGreen * d1);
            this.fogColorBlue = (float)((double)this.fogColorBlue * d1);

Below y=0 the value d1 will always be negative, no matter how large value I give for getVoidFogYFactor() which is the only thing I directly control there. Unless I return value NaN (not a number). Then d1 will also be NaN. NaN has the special property that if you compare it to anything including itself it will always be false except when comparing for not-equal). This means that the whole d1 < 1.0D part will be skipped and no y-based fog distance decreasing will occur.

All it takes to break it is a slight change in the algorithm. I don't see any way for me to fix it. Even if I modify that part of code to do it peoperly, non-vanilla algrithms still won't work.

Even further, BetterFPS might assume that there is nothing above y=256 so the fog can be more dense there.

Anyway all of that is my speculation until I actually debug it. And I can't because BetterFPS doesn't work in dev environment.