Open Modular Turrets

Open Modular Turrets


OverrideList for entities that should be marked as hostile

SirAron111 opened this issue · 2 comments


I think it would be a good idea to have a entity with/blacklist in the config to completely customize what the turrets can attack and what not this would make it allot easier for Modpack makers to adjust them. For example the turrets could be set to attack mobs that aren’t normally targeted this way I could set them for example to attack the little goblins they normally ignored or say to attack specific mobs only etc simply a list where I can add mob IDs like minecraf:zombie Modxy:badmob1 usw.

//edit by Keridos, an entity blacklist already exist, check config, ArmorStands should be in it by default.


We already have that. The problem with entities not being attacked is in external mods. Except the stuff for custom NPCs, that would require code on our end.


Will write another list that specifically marks all enemies inside it as hostile.