[1.8.7 / 1.16.4_HD_U_G5] Crash when trying to break AE2 cables
yorii opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hello, I saw the patch notes for 1.8.7 and got excited that it had Applied Energistics 2 listed as compatible, but I still get a crash whenever I try to break any AE2 cable, same or similar crash also happens with Modern Industrialization pipes.
Here is my log from when breaking an AE2 cable: https://0bin.net/paste/Ck-OoRi+#6uk+0u8iLKZheeYWQp4nWYpLb8Wb6sKYYnJ-sBmrUQc
Maybe I have some setting wrong or another incompatible mod loaded? It all works fine without Optifine/Optifabric.