


Issues using optifabric/optifine with mods

noahpugz opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello, I am having issues using optifabric/optifine with any mods. Originally my mods setup was working with fabric API 0.85 but now it will not work. Can anyone help me out??

Also, I am very dumb when it comes to this stuff so if anyone can help explain how to fix the issue in the easiest way possible I would appreciate it :) I run my minecraft on macbook.


As I've told you before, post logs if you want help, You have supplied no info to go on / work with.

Your issue is mod related, not Optifine/ Optifabric, so this issue is actually pointless.

Disable your mods, launch with just Optifine, Optifabric and Fabric API. If it works, enable each mod one by one and launch after enabling one. When you find the mod causing the crash. disable it.