1.16.5 not working even with optifien
gordeliciaarthur opened this issue ยท 10 comments
There was an Error Loading OptiFabric!
Failed to load OptiFine
(help me im using blackhole modpack)
In order for Optifabric to work for 1.16.5 you HAVE to use Fabric Loader 0.14.25, otherwise you will always get an error.
i cant load the game without having this screen load in
i want to play on the most recent version of fabric
In order for Optifabric to work for 1.16.5 you HAVE to use Fabric Loader 0.14.25, otherwise you will always get an error.
kotlin wants 0.16.10
In order for Optifabric to work for 1.16.5 you HAVE to use Fabric Loader 0.14.25, otherwise you will always get an error.
kotlin wants 0.16.10
Please delete the messages AFTER this message. Patience is a virtue and not everyone has the ability to sit here and watch tickets to see if they have been updated. Real Life is a thing as I am sure you have 1 too. You will need to see which version of that mod will work with Fabric Loader 0.14.25.