1.17 crash with optifabric and architectury, cloth-api, cloth-config and light-overlay
Gxinz opened this issue ยท 8 comments
When i try to start Fabric with optifabric and architectury, cloth-api, cloth-config and light-overlay it crashes.
Crash Code: https://pastebin.com/pjDCxJi8
I am also seeing this issue with Architectury and Optifabric together. Either separate work fine.
Can confirm getting the same problem, and that the issue seems to be Architectury as @awbuckst11181999 says (loads with cloth config, does not load with architectury without light-overlay, error message seems to reference architectury as well)
Yes that is what I meant @evolvoodoo, apologies if that wasn't clear.
Until a fix is released officially, the builds provided in this pull request are working as a solution. 1.11.3f is working for me (though bear in mind these are dev builds, so use at your own risk)
Duplicate of #238