origins conflicts with {optifabric @ [<=1.11.18]} Creating Empty clause ?
VRDork opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I've got the same error but in the {optifabric @ [<=1.11.18]} part it doesn't state the version "1.11.18" (See image). Mod works fine if played with latest OptiFine (1.17 HD U G9 pre32) and Fabric API alone. I thought it could be a conflict with a mod that uses the Fabric API, so I tried mixing and matching and some mods do work with OptiFabric but others don't.
The origins mod has added a feature to stop the game from launching when the optifabric mod is present because they have problems with clashing mixins (meaning that they're incompatible with eachother). Unfortunately, this isn't an origins problem and until the optifabric devs produce a fix you won't be able to use both optifabric and Origins at the same time.