Found Conflicting Mod "lithium".
MrFreakOne opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Translated into English with google.com.
I wanted to use Optifine, but you need "optifabric" so that it works under Fabric. I am not a computer expert or a professional. I got the following error message. I post that here, something else important, the game crashes and I keep getting this error message.
See You.
The CaffeineMC mods are incompatible with Optifine and OptiFabric.
"Translated into English with google.com".
many thanks for your response. This mod "CaffeineMC" is not included. It is the ModPack "All of Fabric 3 v2.8.5". Unfortunately I couldn't find a mod with this name "CaffeineMC".
See You.
Hi! Sorry, I know I am very late, but these are what I mean by CaffeineMC mods. Lithium is a CaffeineMC mod.