Minecraft 1.18 crashes while using Optifabric with fabric-api
Kelpou opened this issue ยท 5 comments
It is possible to run Minecraft but, as mentioned above, if i try to enter a world MC crashes.
I tryed only optifabric and it worked with a shader but i also want to install Xaero's wolrd and minimap so fabric-api is necessary.
Does anyone else have a problem like this or a recommendation how to fix it?
The versions im using are:
Fabric-api: 0.43.1+1.19
Optifabric: 1.12.6
OptiFine: preview_OptFine_1.18_HD_U_H3_pre4
i had the same issue yesterday, the only fix that i found, until optifabric gets updated, is to not use any other additional mods other than optifabric and optifine itself
Same issue, modified the jar to load 1.18 but it crashes when loading the world, Here is my Log: (https://pastebin.com/bbgHBdga)
I can't play without a map mod so i'll have to wait until Optifabric is updated.