Crash when using the OptiFine_1.18_HD_U_H3
CormacZ opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Me too, i can confirm that standalone optifine works fine.
And that any preview up to pre7 works fine too.
For me preview_OptiFine_1.18_HD_U_H3_pre7.jar works just fine with optifabric-1.12.7, but OptiFine_1.18_HD_U_H3.jar causes the gam to crash when opening a world or joining a server.
Can confirm will work with preview ok however when opening world and generating view will crash out.
Can confirm this happens with me since pre 6 (here is the crash log from my recent crash)
both preview and normal crash for optifabric, was working a couple of days ago mustve been a change on optifines end.
both preview and normal crash for optifabric, was working a couple of days ago mustve been a change on optifines end.
Try pre7, its working fine for me
Personally, the game works fine with Optifabric and non-API mods, but it results in a crash when you use OptiFine with Fabric API and Fabric API mods
Can confirm.
- Loading OptiFabric with OptiFine H3 works fine if both .jar files are the only ones in the mods folder
- Loading OptiFabric, OptiFine H3, and Fabric API 0.44 crashes the game on loading a saved world.
Can confirm using pre7
version of Optifine has fixed this. That's with other mods and single/multiplayer. ๐