[1.18.2] Optifabric doesn't work with JourneyMap
PolyLogic64 opened this issue · 23 comments
Optifabric Version:
JourneyMap Version:
Fabric Version:
Describe the problem in repeatable steps:
- Install optifabric (optifabric-1.13.0) along with its dependency fabric-api (fabric-api-0.48.0+1.18.2) and Optifine (OptiFine_1.18.2_HD_U_H6)
- Install journeymap-1.18.2-5.8.1beta2-fabric
- Launch Minecraft
The Minecraft Launcher just throws an Exit Code: 1.
Looking at the issue now, seems optifine is adding local variables to methods near where I am capturing variables on. Which causes mixins to fail. I am not sure how to approach this. Mixin requires all variables to be present when doing a capture.
Is there some Optifine Documentation where all the changes to the Minecraft Code are visible?
Is there some Optifine Documentation where all the changes to the Minecraft Code are visible?
absolutely no, but you can decompile remapped jar after optifabric processed it.
So how is mysticdrew supposed to fix the mixin?
I wont... Best to use iris and sodium for your shaders.
Also optifine and journeymap do not play well together currently, so even if we got optifabric to work there are other game breaking issues. So until optifine fixes their crap, I will not be investing anymore time into it. They break vanilla logic, I have spent way too many hours trying to work around the things they break with little to no success.
I give up 🏳️
In reference to the current issue at hand.
@PolyLogic64 if you want to test to verify it works for you, come to the JM discord and can give you a test version before I publish beta4
@mysticdrew i am in the discord
Can you post the log? I’ll set up an environment and test anyway, but I won’t be able to until tomorrow.
Now it seems to be a mixin injection problem in Journeymap
I just ported journeymap to fabric, targeting 1.18.2 for starts, we have been a forge only mod for the last 11 years.
We just have some colliding mixins that we need to resolve.
However, something to note. Journeymap and Optifine do not always play well together. Optifine tends to cause a bunch of OpenGL errors and breaks some texture rendering in JM. I always suggest people do not use optifine and JM together, or optifine with any mods honestly. At least in forge since Optifine replaces whole classes in MC, then attempts to reapply forge patches over the top of those to make forge work. It is a huge mess and causes endless headaches for mod devs.
(Bit sour right now as I have been dealing with this all week)
Anyways, I am back to bug fixing on fabric. I will dig into these mixin issues a bit more today and see what we can do.
@MrFawkes1337 what is the trick to get optifabric and optifine to run in my dev environment?
@MrFawkes1337 what is the trick to get optifabric and optifine to run in my dev environment?
There’s no trick, and as of yet I haven’t had time to have a look yet (thank my dog, ugh), did JourneyMap work before the 1.18.2 update to Optifabric? Could just be we made a mistake when we updated and broke something. The error relates to mixins. But for the amount broken with the new update I swing towards something being wrong over journeymap being the issue now.