Crashes when used alongside Borderless Mining mod
Owehttamy opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Version Number
Optifabric: v1.13.4 (1.19.0)
List of Other Mods and Versions
Optifine: HD U H8 pre3 (also occurs on pre2)
Fabric API: 0.57.0
Borderless Mining: 1.1.4
Fabric loader: 0.14.8
Reproduction Steps
Crash log 1:
- Run the game in fullscreen (Borderless Mining replaces fullscreen with a borderless window)
- Click "Options" in the main menu
Crash log 2:
- Run the game in fullscreen (Borderless Mining replaces fullscreen with a borderless window)
- Join a singleplayer world
- Open chat
Crash Logs (If any)
1: crash-2022-07-04_15.05.09-client.txt
2: crash-2022-07-04_15.06.43-client.txt
Thank you for your continued support with this mod!